We bought a gorgeous 1930s silk velvet gown at a textile auction last year. Sadly the fabric is so fragile (and has now torn in places) we cannot sell the dress in the boutique. So... over to the upcyclers! Many of our followers on Twitter are very talented designers / textile fetishists / creative seamstresses so we decided it was best to hand over this gorgeous dress to those who could rescue it and perhaps transform it into something else!
Check out the link here: Ariane 1930s Dress (named after the heroine in Albert Cohen's Belle de Seigneur)
This dress is free although we charge for P&P. If you want to pick it up from our studio in WC1 there is no charge and you have the option of selecting that at the checkout.

I wondered - has the dress gone? Would love the chance to work some magic with this lovely fabric?